Coordinating Family Photo Looks

'Tis the season for family photo sessions, right? I feel like this is the time of year where my social media feeds are filled with cute family photos and I love it! Not only do I love to see the pictures and families themselves but I also love to see what everyone is wearing!With that said I get questions frequently on what to wear for family photo sessions. I get it-it can be overwhelming to try and not only plan what you are wearing but to also plan what everyone else is going to wear (spouse included)!While I am not expert when it comes to photography, and this kind of thing I do have some pointers to consider when coordinating your looks that you might find helpful!I gathered some items just for an example and perhaps a little bit of inspiration! Hopefully it'll give you some ideas and maybe even point you in the right direction!




Where your location is:This is something that can shift gears as far as what you are wearing for the photo shoot. City scape? Park? Sunflower field? It makes sense to coordinate your looks based on not just where you are getting your pictures taken but also the colors you'll be working with.

Matching/Coordinating With Your Home Decor:I know this isn't something that is a priority for everyone-it's honestly something that I didn't even think about but my assistant brought it up, and honestly it kind of makes sense! While not necessary, it's something to consider. If you know you are going to be displaying these pictures in your living room, it can be good motivation to coordinate your outfits with that.

Will the photos be for your holiday cards:If you are particular about matching or coordinating with your holiday cards this may be something to think about when planning your outfits (your location would come into play with this as well). This time of year some people get photos only for their holiday cards and not necessarily to print/hang in their home-if that's the case, my thought process is that you'll want to "think holiday" when outfit planning!

Choosing One Piece First Then Building Off of That:One thing that always has worked for me in the past is finding one item, whether it be a dress for me, an article of clothing for one of the girls or maybe even a shirt for Ryan and then building off of that. If you have something concrete already picked it, it can be a tad easier to plan the rest from that-your color scheme is already narrowed down for you!

Pattern Mixing:First things first, not every single person in the photos needs to be a in a pattern. I like to typically have two out of the four in our family in a pattern! Some of my favorite to mix together are plaid and floral, polka dots and floral and even polka dots and stripes!


Lastly, I wanted to share some great color combinations with you that could also be helpful when trying to coordinate you photo shoot looks!