How We Are Gearing Up for Winter and the Holidays

This post is sponsored by Walmart. All thoughts and opinions are my own.


I can't believe that winter, and the holidays are on the mind already! I am not a last minute person by nature, but I am also not an insane planner. I feel like I fall happily in the middle, but with a newborn added to the mix this year, I feel like I need to get myself in gear a little earlier this year than in years past!

With another baby in the household this year, we've got to budget even more than in the past so any way to save money without sacrificing quality, style, safety, (all of the above) is important to us!

We've really been leaning on Walmart a lot this year for a lot of things, from helping us get ready for Cecelia with bottles and other accessories to our nursery glider! More recently, Walmart has been our go -to, to help us stock our medicine cabinet for Cecelia (amen for Gas Drops and Gripe Water!) and also to help us get ready for the holidays (we even grabbed our nursery glider there as well and love it).


.With all three of our girls, and especially Cecelia, we always had Gripe Water, Saline Drops and Gas Drops on hand-like we were/are never out of it. It's something we always have in our medicine cabinet, and with the colder months approaching and not wanting to venture out with a newborn, we like to have it fully stocked. Thank goodness for super fast shipping!

Their baby toy selection is pretty great and convenient for us as well. Being that Cece is only going to be a couple of months old come Christmas we aren't going too overboard with toys as far as quantity and also cost-it just doesn't make sense! We Will give her a couple of smaller toys like this teether set and also some of these Little Star Organic gowns (that whole line is absolutely adorable-I love everything)!


What are you medicine cabinet must haves for the holiday/winter season for your little ones, especially your newborns/infants?? With Charlotte being seven we still find ourselves forgetting things from when she and Ella were Cecelia's age, so do share!! Any favorite toys, too??