Our Most Used Newborn Items

Even though Cecelia is only 2 months old, we have found there are certain things that we have reached for over and over again in these short 2 months.With being so out of touch on all things newborn we are kind of relearning everything and taking note of what is needed and what isn't. Also, with Cecelia being our third, and at this stage in our lives, I knew from the get-go that I didn't want a ton of things and only wanted the basic necessities!While these things all work for us, keep in mind that what works for us may not work for others, or what Cecelia loves, other littles may not! These are just our everyday favorites!


I'll never forget the day my friend texted me and said "I have a DockATot if you want to borrow it."YES! *what the heck is a DockATot*These weren't really a thing when Charlotte was a baby so I had to legit Google what it was. As willing as I was to borrow it, I also wondered if it was really that great and would we even use it? Short answer? YES. We use it every day, multiple times a day. Cecelia loves to sleep in it (supervised), so we keep it on hand in the living room for her naps during the day.There are so many different patterns and colors that you can purchase which makes it a little fun. It isn't cheap, but had we actually purchased it I would definitely feel as though we've gotten our money's worth! 

White Noise Machine

At first we were just using our Echo Dot as a sound machine, but Cara from Taking Cara Babies (her class was great) suggested this sound machine, as it closely mimics the sound of your womb, which is familiar to and soothes your baby.I wouldn't say I was skeptical, but I was curious as to how different the white noise of this sound machine compared to our Echo Dot that we already had, but we absolutely love it. It's small, portable and helps calm Cecelia! I can't explain it well, but I feel like the white noise is just deeper than a typical white noise machine-it's so strange but it works so much better!

Ollie Swaddle


Another recommendation from Taking Cara Babies was this swaddle. We had used these swaddles with Ella and Charlotte, but they are typically by size. What I liked about the Ollie Swaddle was that it grows with the baby. It is a little bit on the expensive side, but considering you won't have to buy any more and can use this as the baby grows, you get your money's worth!We have loved using it, its really easy to use and get the hang of and Cecelia loves it as well. We use it every night for her to sleep!

Panasonic Video Baby Monitor


We have really loved our monitor! I shared a lot of details about it on instastories (I have it saved to a highlight), but one of my favorite features is that is does not work through WiFi. It works through a hack proof, closed network meaning its so much safer!It also has a range of 1500 feet (more than 4 football fields), tilt and zoom features, two-way communication and a lullaby feature!

4Moms Mamaroo

This was something new for us that I was really excited to try! Ella and Charlotte didn't really care for things like this so I was anxious to see how Cecelia would like this. Lucky for us-and her-she loves it!I love the features it has-different motions and speeds, it can play music, and you can download an app to access the Mamaroo from your phone!

FridaBaby Baby Bath Silicone Brush


This has been a great addition to Cecelia's bath time routine! It makes it super easy to wash her hair and is helpful for newborn dry skin and grade cap!It comes in at just under $10 so it's super affordable and gets a ton of use-I can't recommend it enough!

Tubby Todd

I had heard great things about Tubby Todd items for a while-long before Cecelia was a twinkle in our eye! When she arrived, the Basics Gift Set was one of the first things I purchased to add to her bath time and bed time routine.The Dream Cream is something we always apply at bed time-she seems to love it so much and I love the mild scent to it! The All Over Ointment is plant based balm that really calmed down her baby acne on her face-we apply just a tad every night and it helps keep her skin looking moisturized!I am sure there are some things I am forgetting, but these are the most used, can't-live-without products over the last two months! Tell me some of your favorites!