Bathroom Organization-Must Haves We Love!

Ella, Charlotte and Cecelia all share a bathroom. It’s a typical bathroom with a double vanity, with a decent sized cabinet next to it, and then also underneath.

When we first built the house and chose the design for the bathroom I thought the big cabinet would be perfect! It is, but I quickly found it was say to and quick to make a mess of. Don’t know what to do with something? Toss it in the cabinet or under the sink.

Ella is 14, and we had items under the sink and in the cabinet that we’ve had since she was a baby-yikes!

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The lazy Susan, I have found, is such an easy, countertop addition. I love it because it stores so much, doesn’t take up a lot of space, and is a nice option for everyday use items!

This set of 25 different sized trays is also something I am so glad I added to their cabinet! They are stackable, come in several different sizes and hold so much!