Holiday Gift Guides: For Kids + For Teens/Tweens

‘Tis the season, whether you like it or not! The holidays are fast approaching (basically here?), and with everyone saying there are going to be shipping delays left and right, lots of people are starting their holiday shopping early. For once (literally, the only time in my life, ever) I am pretty much done with all of my Christmas shopping-the only thing left to get is stocking stuffers! I’m certain this won’t happen again, but the fear of God was put in me with all of these ‘shipping delays’ so here we are!

I had so much fun picking out gifts for kids and teens/tweens this year. My girls range in age from 2-13 so my gift giving runs the gamut!

Shop Gift Guide for Kids

There are so many great options for kids, from tech savvy items to things that encourage imaginative play. We have had these MagnaTiles for a few years now and still get so much use out of them. Cecelia has even started to play with them a lot!

We’ve also had these laser guns for several years-they were such a hit with the girls (and Ryan lol) when we got them several years ago. It’s something fun to do inside during the colder months!

Shop Gift Guide for Teens/Tweens

This was the hardest to shop for but honestly the most fun! Having a 13 year old certainly does make shopping difficult-their likes and dislikes are so strong and changes on the daily, but I think I found some awesome things!

A skincare fridge (or if they’re not into skincare, its the perfect size for drinks and snacks) is such a cute idea-stock it with some basic items like this Glossier set and you have such a cool gift!

I also got this mini backpack, which I think is an ideal size for a tween/teen. Easy to carry, fits their daily essentials and comes in a ton of colors!