Stocking Up on Back to School Supplies with Walmart

*This post is sponsored by Walmart and Rewardstyle. All thoughts are my own*


Before I became a parent, one thing I used to day dream about doing with my future children was Back to School shopping-clothing, school supplies, everything! My Dad was a teacher so fortunately my brother and I were able to get school supplies for pretty much free-they were your basic supplies though-boring red notebook, blue folder, standard yellow Number 2 pencils. While everyone else came to school with the coolest of the cool school supplies (all the Lisa Frank your little elementary heart would ever desire), I was using the most basic supplies (which I of course realize now ow fortunate I was). Because of that, I always said that when the time came, I would buy my kids the coolest and most fun school supplies!

Both of my girls are currently in school (first grade and sixth) in a really amazing school district. We are so lucky in that we don’t have a mile long school list of supplies that we have to get. The school does a wonderful job of providing just about everything for the students. BUT-even though we don’t have to get them much, I still love to get the girls a few things to help get them excited for school (and to live my childhood vicariously though them, obviously)!


Even though I love to indulge my inner child with the girls, I still want to stick to a budget. Walmart always has such a great selection and the best deals for things like back to school supplies. They’re always on trend-the girls can easily find things that are cool this season. Plus, their price point is always something that fits right into our budget-I don’t feel like I’m going overboard, or going to blow our month’s budget by shopping there.


If you are in a district that does provide school lists, you can search for your specific teacher list (so handy and convenient). The lists also include things that the teacher may need for the classroom-which I love-like paper towels, or disinfectant wipes. You can also shop on their website by grade as well! With Ella in 6th and Charlotte in 1st, what they need is so different!

It’s so cool to see the girls’ personalities come through when picking out something so simple as notebooks and pens-Charlotte of course, the louder the colors and prints the better, and Ella, being the tween that she is, wants something a little more cool. Luckily, we can find it all-the loud, the cool, the affordable-at Walmart (and thank goodness for that because who has time to school shop at more than one place). I also like to take advantage of their order online-pickup in store option. It makes things so much easier on me to be able to just run in and quickly pickup my order, or park outside in one of their order pickup spots and not even leave my car!


What are some of your favorite Back to School things to get for your children? I love that my girls get so excited to shop with me (and Ryan, too) not only for clothes but for school supplies too! They are both pretty excited for the school year,  but starting the year with fun new supplies makes them just a tad more excited!