My Everyday, Non-Negotiable Self Care

Over the years as a Mom (just over 14, to be exact) I’ve realized just how important self care is. I know as parents that taking time for ourselves can seem selfish, but it really is important!

While it doesn’t always happen like I would love it to, I do make it a point to do these things every day-my own. little things of self care, my non-negotiables!

Get Dressed! I may not get dressed first thing but I do get dressed. It also may not be an outfit that is something worthy of a date night but its not my pajamas. I have found that If I get myself out of my pajamas and put on actual clothes I am more productive throughout the day. It seems silly that something as simple as getting dressed is self care, but when you are someone who works from home, or even if you are a stay at home mom, taking those few extra moments to get dressed and put on something that makes you feel great makes a difference.

Move my Body: This is never something that I would have thought that I would consider a non negotiable for me, but I really feel like I need it, mostly for my mental health. Walking is what I love the most-it’s something I look forward to, time to myself, listening to my true crime podcasts and just breathing!

Drink my favorite Drink: Whether it’s coffee my Alani Nu drink, or my La Croix/flavored water mixture, having one of my favorite drinks is a small, simple pleasure I love and look forward to!

Read: The majority of the time I read in bed, but when the weather warms up I try to make it a point to read outside on the patio during the day. The fresh air feels amazing, and along with reading a great book makes me feel great!

I encourage you, no matter how big or small to try and do at least one thing for yourself everyday, no matter how big or small!